Mike and the new trio are touring the states this fall and I'm really looking forward to checking out the show.
In honor of the new release, I've put together a compilation of recent bonus tracks. Mike is great about leaking out A-quality tracks onto the fan-o-sphere and after listening to this sequence of tracks, I have to say that Mike's castaway tracks are better than most artists formal releases. Enjoy and PLEASE let me know if you have any rare Viola tracks, I don't have here. I really appreciate it.
1. Find Somebody to Love - Bonus track from "Lurch"
2. Something Electric - Bonus track from "Lurch"
3. Chemical Night - Unreleased track from Mike's MySpace page
4. This is Life, This is Love - Track from "The Right Track" compilation
5. Unbroken - Non-album track released on EMI Music Publishing Site
6. Water By the Bed - Track from "Peace" compilation
7. Burn at Both Ends - Non-album track from SoundCloud
8. Superkid (Acapella) - Unreleased track from Mike's MySpace page
9. Time For Everything to Change - Unreleased track from Mike's Facebook page
10. Bee Vee (Intro) - Unreleased track from Mike's Facebook page
11. Happiest Day - Non-album track released on EMI Music Publishing Site
12. Motel Mood - Bonus track from "Lurch"
13. Smile - Non-album track from SoundCloud
Many thanks for these! With the major label release of his new album, whatever became of his other collaboration w/ Kelly Jones, the 'Cozy'ep? It was planned to be included with the new album prior to him getting signed to Megaforce...was it sold at some of his shows?
Many thanks, esp. for Chem Night. I picked up the Mike Viola primer cd at his last gig, but it's a different version/mix of Chem Night...don't like it as much as this version. Do you happen to know what happened with the MV/Kelly Jones 'Cozy' ep? It was to be included with his next (current) album, that is before he got signed to Megaforce for its release.
Great compilation. Most of it isn't new to me, though. "Chemical Night" is superb (just had a bad quality version of it). Mike could do a great record just with these songs.
Good job, Haper (as always :-)
Never heard about the "Cozy" EP until now. Would love to hear some more Mike and Kelly - especially if it was with a band. I do think I hear Kelly on tracks like Unbroken and Burn at Both Ends and Time For Everything to Change....kind of makes you think these came from one unreleased project.... please let me know if you ever come across more info on "Cozy".
the "Cozy EP" was mentioned by Mike on his website. He said it would be released with "Electro de Perfecto" (a kind of b-side compilation).
The MV Primer cd also contained 'Burn at Both Ends' w/ Kelly Jones, as well as the orig demo of That Thing You Do!
Do you have these tracks?
I don't have the version of "Burn at Both Ends' w/ Kelly Jones" or the original demo of "That Thing You Do"...nor have I heard the remix of "Chemical Night" you mentioned. I'd love to get a hold of all of those.
@ Jon:
This Primer CD would be very interesting. Any chance for an upload? :-)
Thanks so much for these. I find myself listening to the Cozy/Chemical tracks more then his new release. More sun and less doom in his mood on these...
Thanks for these. I find myself playing this mix more then his latest release. Does anyone know if Mike ever recorded a studio version of "Dollie and Jane"? Surprised that has not popped up somewhere....maybe he is saving it for The Major Labels II....
No, "Dolly and Jane" did not surface a studio version, but I think it will sometime.
There is so much stuff, I created a second release of rare songs ("Start Of Something"):
01 - Start Of Something
02 - Loving You Baby (with Kelly Jones)
03 - Be My Baby
04 - Burn at Both Ends ('Radio' Edit)
05 - So Much Better (Demo)
06 - Chemical Night (2nd version)
07 - Virginia (The Nines cover)
08 - No Surprises (live)
09 - Soundtrack Of My Summer (Live)
10 - That Thing You Do! (demo)
11 - Let's Have a Baby (demo - writing in progress #1)
12 - Dollie and Jane (live)
13 - Little One
Contact me via my blog with you email-adress.
Though I haven't figured out if Cozy was made available, I imagined that Dollie and Jane would have been on it, as he and Kelly would duet it when they were touring together
Thanks for the great comp, Haper. As always, your blog is awesome. I'm a big fan of Mike Viola and Candy butchers!
Is there any chance someone could post the "primer CD" for download? Since he gave it away free at shows it seems like he wouldn't mind, especially for those of us who couldn't make it to a show.
I'd really appreciate it...
I don't have the primer CD yet...but I'm hopeful I can acquire a copy because Mike is scheduled to play near me soon. One of the things I like about running this blog is that readers help me compile rare Power Pop track's I'm missing. As far as I know the primer is all previously released tracks except for slightly different mixes of Chemical Night, and Burn at Both Ends. It also contains Peace which I posted here along with a demo or That Thing You Do. I now have those tracks and plan on posting another Mike Viola compilation in the next few weeks on Pop Fair. OK?
Thanks for these tracks.
I would like that "start of something" release you mentioned. brianjones1@live.com
I'd also like the "start of something" compilation. Thanks!
bababooey544 at h0tmai1
I been trying to get all of Mike Viola's stuff. He has so many great tunes and I cant find them all. I wanna try to get the new "round and round" cover he did and I cant find the Smiths cover he did anywhere. He never plays anywhere near me so I know I wont be able to but his stuff from the shows. If you can help me with any songs like the "Start Of Something" you have I would be so amazed and happy!!! If you can help my email is madalynnavery@gmail.com THANKX!!!!
right now you can find :The hard way" Owsley on amazon. it is not on I tunes. I have a copty in my collection, worst come to worst I can burn ya a copy. you love veryone I live especially Mike Viola...Amazing man!!
Ack! Megaupload's gone...terrible time for me to discover your very interesting blog! Any chance for a re-upload elsewhere pretty please? I love Mike & Kelly's other collaborations....
Does anyone have know a location you can download The Mike Viola Primer or Mikes Blue thumb album?
Hard to get these downunder!
HELP! i too missed the bonus tracks when the mega upload crackdown happened. anyone who has these, or the 'start of something' tracks please contact me at kthuckins@gmail.com.
Any chance of getting these uploaded somewhere else? I missed the chance before mega was taken down.
Re-upped. Sorry it took me so long. Very busy....
I would like the "start of something" complication" please .... mikestegman@gmail.com
Thanks a lot
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